2023年天使综合征 FAST 年会总结及 姜永辉教授现场视频





>> Okay, we’re going to invite our next panelist  speakers up. They will be talking about the  recent exciting news that we announced about  a large NIH grant to advance a novel CRISPR  based gene editing delivery platform at Yale  University. They’re part of the project team  along with Jennifer Panagoulias. This is really  a remarkable example of cross collaboration,  and in my years of working in patient advocacy  and NIH, I’ve never seen a model like this. We  should be really proud and I’m really excited  to hear more about it in this presentation. [ Applause ] >> What an incredible  honor to stand on stage not just representing our  community but a drug development program. This is  exactly what FAST has been trying to do since  its inception and this is really a milestone  that’s unbelievable for our community. I think  we should be very proud of the fact that patient  advocacy is actually taking things from bench  side to bedside and this is just a true example  of that. We are a team working together, and we’re  going to talk a lot yesterday and the day before  we talked about CRISPR technology so I’m not here  to explain that technology to you but we want to  show all of the steps of drug development.  We have lots of disclosures. Here they are.  You can read them. This is a graphic you’ve seen  throughout the entire weekend. It’s important to  understand how we can take something from early  discovery through foundational NIH and other  nonprofit research funding efforts and even some  for profit funding efforts and go from discovery  to preclinical which is proof of concept which  we talked about yesterday and take this idea,  put it in an animal model to show this can work  and are there early signs that it’s safe. The  next step is to say is this possible for humans  and can we develop this drug for humans. That’s  where we have to get to a human candidate.  Once we get to that human candidate, we need   to understand the safety profile of that which I’m  going to talk about. We have to develop endpoints  and biomarkers and that’s through the efforts of  the ABOM that we talked about yesterday. Then of  course the community effort, we need all of you.  We need your enrollment in the global registry to  have a good sense of where these trials can run.  Finally, we need to run the trial which we are  actually funding the infrastructure to create  places like rush who can run these trials that  are very innovative and complicated and we have  the confidence to do it. The team at Yale is  going to talk to you about the first part of this  ecosystem which is preclinical and drug discovery.





>> Thanks, Allyson, for the great introduction.  I’m a professor at Yale Medical School. A great  pleasure to be here. On the team my role is  engineer. So my role is to deliver the payload. In  this case CRISPR to the cells to the right place  which is the brain. That’s what I’m doing. I’m  very happy to be here to share the journey, how  collaboration between engineer with biologist to  lead to this translation. What we need to deliver  is called CRISPR. CRISPR actually is developed  by bacteria to prevent infection. We want to  borrow the system from bacteria for human use,  use CRISPR to reactivate the UBE3A gene protein.  For this application we want to deliver a system  with two components including protein shown in  the cartoon gray and [ indiscernible ] shown in  orange. This is a two component system. My job  is to deliver to cells in the brain. Two major  challenges. Unfortunately in the virus, the best  approach to deliver the CRISPR system for two  reasons. First CRISPR isn’t very large, proteins.  You can potentially use two virus but the more  virus you use, the more potential side effects  you will have. Another potential limitation,  in this case we deliver bacteria as I mentioned a  moment ago, so viral delivery has an advantage. So  that’s good for gene replacement therapy.  But this could be a problem in this case,   we want to pass bacteria for many years and this  could be dangerous. As an alternate approach you  can potentially use nano particles which can  mimic a virus. It might be new to some of you  but actually you may use particles for COVID  19 vaccine. Both Pfizer and Moderna use nano  particles. Then the second challenge, deliver to  the brain. As the doctor mentioned this morning,  the brain possesses a unique organ called blood  brain barrier. The vessels in the brain are unique  biologically and physically. As a result it’s very  difficult to get molecules to penetrate it and get  into brain tissue. One way to bypass the blood  brain barrier is to inject ASO into spinal fluid.  The hope is that the molecules can diffuse into  the brain which means in some cases the molecules  can diffuse itself. The problem is that for nano  particles and true for most virus, too large for  penetrating into the space. The space is typically  about 10 to 13 millimeter. Payload to be delivered  called CRISPR, we can do chemical modification.  That means we can [ indiscernible ]. The beauty  of this approach is that after engineering the  result in [ indiscernible ] is very small. In  terms of size, perfect for diffusion in the  brain making this particularly suitable for  brain penetration. Of course we need to test these  particles in cell culture in vitro and in vivo. In the left panel we found that with single treatment  you can essentially in almost all cells. We also  test in mouse brain, injecting into the left side,  left hemisphere. You can see the controlled mice we didn’t see any florescence. We choose a unique  model here. This not only just efficient but very fast. About two hours it starts to work. Of course  we need to demonstrate you can deliver this into  the brain. We want spinal fluid delivery. We  test this experiment on the mice. STEP-RNP  was injected into lumbar puncture. You can see  STEP-RNP penetrated the brain tissue. By hour  24 we cannot detect the RNP CRISPR in the body  anymore. So this could be good. As I mentioned,  this is bacteria. We don’t want it to stay in  the body for a long time so this could be ideal.  The question is whether this short exposure is  good enough for treatment of Angelman Syndrome.  Over the past two years in my lab and also  with the team STEP-RNP lab tested this STEP-RNP in mice which mimic in human patients.  We’ll tell you the findings in animal models.


>> Thanks. While I was sitting there I  realized I’m the only biomedical engineer in this community. Any others can raise their hand.  Welcome bioengineering to this amazing community.  He’s the inventor. I’m the user. That’s how the  relationship goes because we would not be able  to stand here doing this amazing work. He has  many patent. I have zero patent. I used to take  five or ten minutes to describe this slide many  years ago but now many of you, almost every one  of you are very familiar with this concept. The  idea is to use ASO or drug to reactivate the gene  from chromosome. The beauty of the CRISPR is you  may only need one dose, one spinal tap, permanent.  That’s our hope. The idea the use of CRISPR [  indiscernible ] and reactivate the gene contribute  to therapeutic benefit. We indeed are using human  neurons. We put this new technology oftentimes to  make sure, again, after we talked people came to  me and said this is a nano particle. I make clear,  it’s non viral, not nano particle. That’s why we  give the name STEP. Clearly it’s very efficient.  I misspoke on Thursday. The timing for this  technology basically this is human neuron we  generated and you can easily see that color. You  can see almost no expression in the neuron. That  shows how efficient this technology is. Also we  show nicely in vivo, as Allyson said we do need  mouse models sometimes for different experiment.  This one shows you even the 90 day after one one,  day two injection the spinal tap equivalent in  human which is inject one dose of STEP RNP you can  see clearly we saw the injection here at zero, no  detectable. Injection roughly you have about 30%  to 60% react evaluation so that’s pretty efficient  based on all we learned from what Allyson talked  about yesterday. A more high power view you  can see this efficiency. It’s amazing efficient whenever we show this slide to our colleagues,  people always amazed how efficient this single  dose of injection, about 75% of neurons were  edited by CRISPR. 76% of neurons we have react  evaluation of the UBE3A gene. Of course you want  to see whether this re activation can rescue or  correct the phenotype which is a concern for many  patients. This is a complicated slide prepared by  the research associate. She’s here. She gave  a talk yesterday. Last December we presented,  this one year of work, a lot of work summarizes  this slide. I won’t be able to go detail for each  experiment the results but show a few example.  You can see an open theater and put the mice in  open theater and look at motion activity. Here’s  the wild type normal mice. Here is the mice with  Angelman Syndrome. You can see the reduce of  motion and day after injection you can see that  pattern is visible and tell the correction  for this particular behavior. I’m going to  skip this one. I’m going to show you a video.  Allyson showed you a video yesterday. This is  a day one day two injection. I think it would  be better for me to show you you saw this one  yesterday. This is the one I want to show sorry.  Can we play this video? This is day 42 treatment,  still correct a lot of our function behavior as  efficient as day one for this particular behavior.  That’s kind of important but of course this is in  mice. Mice is mice and human is human. Mice is not  human so make sure that’s interpreted the correct  way. At least it shows the mice that treatment  can correct behavior phenotype. As a research  community we correct hundreds of mouse models but  we also struggle in human. That’s the difference  there. We cannot play this video sounds like. We  also look for the intellectual ability and use  multiple testing. This is a complicated slide with  multiple replication. It’s a beautiful replication  and we have very high confidence that this works  efficiently like different time points, day  one, day 21, day 42 and the paradigm. This is  novel object recognition you heard yesterday.  It goes through the correction of short term  memory versus long term. In short term memory  it’s effectively corrected, long term memory  not too much. That tells you that correction  somewhere is domain behavior specific which  is not a surprise. The last one is the seizure.  Of course this is one of the important feature,  oftentimes challenging feature for many  of the family here. Treatment for other  medication may not be effective so treatment  for STEP RNP gene correction can suppress all  seizure phenotype pretty efficient based on  the treatment at different dose and different  timing. I think I’m going to pass to Allyson. >> This is meant to show the next step which is  how do we get from all that incredible work that  showed proof of concept that in both a newborn,  a young and adult mouse model we can rescue almost  all of the phenotypes of the behavior of the model  which gives a lot of proof of concept that we can  actually take this and bring this to patients once  we have a human candidate so the human sequence in  which we can employ this type of therapy. We’re at  that point now and what the next steps are is how  do we get that from the mouse to the human. Those  steps is what we term translational research.  I want to give a quick description of that  and have you understand why it’s so complicated  and also why it’s so expensive. These steps are  really what it takes to get an investigational  human drug or by biologic that is declared from  work in the animal model to humans through the  regulatory authorities. Experiments that are  meant to evaluate for critical information related  to toxicity, target engagement, off target risks  and overall safety for the human application.  These studies are received to as IND enabling  studies and we talk about that a lot but let me  share what that entails. Ultimately it involves  many activities that are rigorous in order to get  to that point and we do them often in parallel but  by doing them in parallel in order to improve your  timelines, it winds up costing a lot of money. So  it is one of the most expensive parts of the drug  development program prior to the clinical trial.  There’s different pieces to this. The first is,  is the drug working as you anticipated it would.  The next is biodistribution. Where does the drug  go. Where is this candidate in the brain in order  to theoretically provide the benefit that you’re  hoping for. Can it turn on the paternal allele in  all of the vital brain structures. Then toxicology  which is, is the dose levels you’re testing safe  and that will drive the dose levels you can  translate to in the clinic to ensure you have  a nice margin of safety to say you’re not going  to go into the clinic with something that could   have incredible risk. What are all the things  that are needed to prove that it’s safe. Finally,  are there toxicities called Gino toxicities to  the genome, the chromosomes, other genes around  it. Will it change the genome in a way that’s  irreversible that we have to be concerned about.  These are all the studies we have to do in order  to get to a human trial. So I want you to see  how complicated this is. This is why things take a  long time even though we’re all equally impatient.  This is an example of a drug development plan  and all of the work that needs to be done to get   there. This is just to show you these arrows, one  thing relates to another relates to another. We  have to do that before we do that. We have to do  this in order to do this. The only way we get to  first in human is to be able to have all of these  parallel pathways meet. Each one of these pathways  has to have a go decision. There’s a chance that  each one of these steps, that there’s going to  be something that we need to pivot from, that  doesn’t make sense. That is not going to allow   us to take this path forward. So this next huge  step is really vital to understand if we have a  path forward to humans. Over all studies that need  to bring our human candidate to human application  takes a lot of coordination, a lot of time and a  lot of money. We’re obviously very careful as we  coordinate these types of studies because they’re  critical but we want to do them in parallel in the  right way. That includes the toxicology as well  as the manufacturing, the regulatory component of  engaging the regularities, and then the clinical  trial pieces that we ensure we’re running the   right type of trial. During every step there are  going to be unexpected findings. That’s why it’s  important to have a very nimble team that can  work through those findings and ensure that we   understand how to navigate them. We’re excited  because we have a grant that’s allowing us to  take this work and leap forward from mouse to  human and the NIH is providing a large portion  of the cost in order for us to be able to do this.  There’s going to be a lot more that needs to be   done in this drug development process that they’re  not going to pay for that we’re going to have to  support if the decision is made to go forward.  Let’s have Liz talk about how we’re going to  bring that information to a clinical trial. >> If these are parts of the Uber, I’m the  destination. This grant is set up so you get all  these preclinical pieces done and then we run a  first in man clinical trial which is going to  be a pretty intensive kind of thing. I’m going  to talk about what that might look like. The grant  required that we study two diseases or we couldn’t  get funded so we are studying two diseases and  we’re going to parallel through this process.  We don’t actually start until about year three of  the grant when we start planning and assuming that  those other pieces go okay, then we can bring  this to people. We need approval for the FDA,  protocol approved, our IRB approval. Then  we’ll no doubt, because this is a new compound,  will be enrolling adults first for safety  reasons. We’re going to try to run the trial   at Rush and Yale and we can train some of the  Yale people in anything needed to do this trial  on Angelman Syndrome. We know this is going to  be interthecal deliver. The location is probably  based on preclinical data. We could use this by  infusion but it could be ICM as you heard about  in the back of the neck. This is one and done  so you want your best delivery system for that  at that time. We expect a long term correction.  This is what the trial design will look like and  this is a standard design for things that are  very new and in phase one. We’ll be dosing one  patient at the beginning and running these two  identical trials and then have one patient and  there will be a safety period. If that patient is  safe we can enroll three patients. This will start   with low dose. If these patients are all safe we  can go to the middle dose and the high dose. If a  patient has a dose limiting toxicity or a bad side  effect, we can expand and do more patients at the  lower dose. If two patients, say, at this dose  had toxicity, we might have to go back a dose or  stay at that dose. We find what dose might cause  problems. After we get adults done we can move to  children and do the same process with the children  where we enroll one patient and then more patients  in a systematic way to make sure this is safe.  It was fairly easy to write a design for what we  want to do in this trial because we have other  trials going on in Angelman Syndrome. So we’re   going to largely use the same measures that we’re  using in the ASO trials and we’re going to have a  lot of safety and tolerability tests that we have  to monitor, much the same as all the ASO trials  are doing. It’s important to point out that many  of these measures were developed from ABOM data  and natural history data and there’s the disease  concept. This work is done ahead of time which  made it easier for us to get this grant. We have  to study H14 but fortunately that disease has a  level of cognitive function similar to fragile X  which some people know I’ve been working on for 20  years. We’ve done some validation and adapted  certain tests like the cognitive battery and  expressive language sampling for fragile X and  we were able to make the case to roll those over  and use them for this other form of intellectual  disability. This work where we adapt appropriate  outcomes and trial designs and accelerate new  therapies to patients by getting early trials  done is really the mission of our Rush pediatric  neuroscience and this new grant capitalizes on  the fact that we have the infrastructure to do  this kind of thing. Hopefully there will be a  next phase of development in this novel therapy.  This is a perfect of example of how supporting  the infrastructure and collaboration allow us to  make scientific progress, brings teams together  with various expertise to allow efficiencies that  couldn’t be achieved in any other way. The work  we’ve done in the past to create what we needed  allowed us to get this grant. FAST works hard to  ensure that we’re the low hanging fruit to get  funding from either industry or NIH to look at  these proof of concept early trials and have  the clinical capability to move it forward.  Thank you to everyone, NIH, FAST, Yale. This is  going to be a really important collaboration.


天使综合征(天使综合症) » 2023年天使综合征 FAST 年会总结及 姜永辉教授现场视频
